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Community Service ideas

Requested in Society & Politics by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

13 Ideas

+2 votes
Props to this local dentist, Comfort Dental, who was giving free cleanings and extractions today. Once a year event they have. Just wish I knew they were doing it before it was too late to go! Why don't not just more dentists but more in all professions have events like that?
Shared by Dreamer (8,670 points)

+1 vote

Most leisure time is spent at home. You can volunteer for worthy causes and put some of that time to good use. There's a big list of ways to do that at Help From Home.

Shared by lollipoop99 (300 points)
0 votes
We are all looking for ways to help out in the community. Community services are a great way to help those that need it most. One way to make a difference is to donate your time to a homeless shelter and feed them around the holidays. You can also donate your time to an old folks home and spend a couple hours a week with someone special that may not have people coming to visit them. Another option is to visit an animal shelter and offer to help any way you can until the animals find their new homes. Doing these things will not only help out those that need it but you will get a lot out of it as well!
Shared by TakeFive (8,280 points)
0 votes
Community service that helps others is always a beneficial activity for everyone involved. Getting out and helping people with physical limitations do yard work is always helpful. Tasks such as mowing lawns, painting houses, and doing charitable landscaping improve the look of someone's home and help improve their quality of life.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Geeks in college could volunteer to make websites for non-profits and teach computer skills to the elderly and underprivileged children.
Shared by loseyourmarbles (520 points)
0 votes
Every night at midnight the donut shops throw away their unsold donuts. Don't let that food go to waste. They could go to hungry children.
Shared by cutekinsa (140 points)
0 votes
Have a place in every community where you can drop off unwanted items (no fee and no questions asked). A lot less illegal dumping and then others can drop by and take anything they want.
Shared by micrometer (260 points)
0 votes
Slum areas have the worst literacy levels. All established schools should be required by the government to have small branches in slum areas. On weekends their teachers would offer free classes there.
Shared by mohitinternational (140 points)
0 votes
Get involved with your neighbors. Twice a month organize a meeting with people who live near you. Discuss problems that they're having and possible solutions and then have a neighborhood clean-up afterwards. A neighborhood watch to keep on the lookout for crimes can help keey everyone safe.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Have the the unemployed carry out unpaid work in the community, supported by contributions from large corporations and trustees.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Why not blood donation "shops" at the mall for quick, convenient, in and out blood donating? Great way to reach a new demographic and get more donors.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
We should have automatic wireless charging of our cell phones in businesses (or citywide provided via the city) throughout every city. My ghetto cellphone will often exhaust its charge within a few hours which is idiotic. :(
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
3M Health Care Particulate Respirator and Surgical N95 Mask, Model 1860, 8210 Disposable Respirator, FFP1, FFP2, FFP3 Mask 3ply Surgical mask. Product Origin: USA,UK FDA Approved Certificate available TEXT ........ + 1 814 247 7630 EMAIL....... SALES MANAGER JACK
Shared by COVID19 (700 points)

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