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Halloween Costume ideas

Requested in Arts & Entertainment by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

7 Ideas

+3 votes
You can't beat the classics in my book. You can go as a Ghostbuster with the gun and backpack. Or don the sunglasses and go as the Terminator (write "I'll be" on your back). Indiana Jones, Scarface (be sure to bring your little friend), The Godfather ("make me an offer I can't refuse"), and Leonard from Memento (cover yourself in written reminders) are some other ideas.
Shared by a contributor

+2 votes
Grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, first year of Halloween went as a tequila shooter. Talk about rebellion! I had a sombrero and a belt with little shots of tequila in the loop holes. Then, I did some face painting and put fangs in. Ended up being a mexican vampire somehow. Still, a lot of fun!
Shared by zainyindia01 (240 points)
edited by Dreamer
+2 votes
Dress up as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg ("The Social Network") with the curly hair. On the front you can have the "F" and/or the thumbs-up symbol. On the back put "You Like Me, You Really Like Me." Then like tell like everyone about your like costume.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
+1 vote
Football fan?  Dress up as a football with a place for your head at the top.  Complete it with white field goal posts surrounding it.  Tell 'em "Trick or Treat or I'm Going to Disneyland!"
Shared by Dreamer (8,670 points)
edited by Dreamer
+1 vote
Make a costume featuring an old school rotary telephone on your shirt and a cord going down the side. When people ask what you are tell them "Call Me Maybe?"
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
0 votes
Cat ears, whiskers and a tail with a t-shirt that says Xerox on it.  You can be a copy cat!
Shared by Aggie80 (680 points)
0 votes
One year I dressed as a pirate with an eye patch and lots of disks and CD's fastened on me.  I went as a software pirate.
Shared by Aggie80 (680 points)

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