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Theme Park ideas

Requested in Arts & Entertainment by JFR (6,080 points)
edited by Dreamer

2 Ideas

0 votes
Timeline Theme Park

More museum than theme park, this would be a park with no rides. Instead you'd pick one of the many themes that were available and follow it from the past to the present.

For example, suppose naval warcraft was one of the themes. The first thing you'd see along the water walkway was a dugout canoe. Further on up you'd see a replica of the first warship that used biological weapons (part of Hannibal's fleet - they threw bags of poisonous snakes onto the decks of the opposing fleet), and at the end of the line there would be a modern aircraft carrier.

Another example, cars. The line starts with a model T and ends with a Toyota hybrid. Race cars from different eras would be sprinkled throughout the line.

Another example, medical techniques. From trepanning to MRI's.

One of the more interesting trails might lead you past ideas for inventions that never quite made it into reality. Think of it as an adult park for those who are too old for Disney (and for gifted students).
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)

0 votes
Make a theme park and zoo filled with monsters and animatronic aliens from famous movies.
Shared by a contributor

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