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The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
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Watch full Shark Tank episodes
Shark Tank Jihad Style ;)

Company logo idea: Uh, You're Doing it Wrong haha

Websites ideas

Requested in Science & Technology by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

2 Ideas

0 votes
A website named    in which veterans and civilians can post, submit, comment on situations in which they were mistreated, disrepected or even more serious   such as being laid off due to lack of business, but the company kept some illegals employed,

This site will have potential for almost anything to comment, refer, and provide resources.
Shared by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

0 votes
How about a site selling some disposable gloves that have sanding grit on the gloves I would call them Grit Gloves, they would allow you to sand anything with precision fine  finishes on your work. I think it would be a great AS Seen On Tv commercial.  You could have 80 grit gloves, 120 grit gloves etc
Shared by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

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